Decision Support Systems

Decision Support helps the management to make decisions. Decision Support Systems facilitate decision makers to access data relevant. Software applications facilitate users to search critical informa...

Decentralized Database

In Decentralized Database, a big database is partitioned as per business requirement in such a way that each smaller database represents a specific data subject.  Today, it is a fact that most b...

Decentralized Warehouse

In Decentralized Warehouse, a central gateway provides access to remote data with the help of a logical view.  This central gateway processes real time user queries. Users ca...

Demographic Data

Demographic data are data output of demography which is the study dealing with the human population. Demographic data can be related to the Earth, the same as geographic data. Demographic Data usuall...


Database is a collection of data which are logically related. Database, as used in computer science, is well defined and structured collection of data which are stored digitally in computer system. T...

Data Warehouse Management Tools

Data Warehouse Management Tools are software applications that extract and transform data from operational systems and loads it into the data warehouse. The area of data warehouse management is very ...

Distributed Database

Distributed Database is a database which consists of two or more data files which are all differently stored on different sites within a computer network. Since the database is distributed, many diff...

Data Visualization

Data visualization is intended to provide data consumers with a qualitative understanding of the information contents in an appealing graphical presentation.  Data Visualization involves underst...

Distributed Data Set

Distributed Data Set consist of data set from a single data subject or data occurrence group which is distributed. A data set is a collection of data from the any data source. This collection is usua...

Distributed Database Management System

Distributed Database Management System helps in managing the distributed database. Distributed Database Management System is required  to maintains distributed database and make it transparent t...