When Small business owners need to go back job hunting, the transition could be challenging since they will enter a world where they will be ordered and they have to go through the same hiring proces...
Finding a job after college has its challenges. You need to provide extra effort just to be hired by a company you want to work for. Without any experience and additional education, you need to caref...
Everyone has to go through a lot of firsts in their career. The first assignment, the first paycheck, the first staff meeting and the first presentation will be experienced early in your career. Exce...
You don’t have to force yourself to work in a company you don’t like. You can easily transfer to another company or just quit and take it easy until a new opportunity comes. Working in a ...
Once we know what we want in a career, the next step is figuring out how to get it. This includes job applications, job market navigation, career research, developing our resume, and developing our s...
So many of us are in job situations where we don't know what we want to do, but at the same time, we know darn well it isn't what we are currently doing. Even if we have a big salary, our own office ...
The days when almost everyone safely retired between 60 and 65 and went on to safely live off their pensions and social security are over. Over 60 percent of retirement-age employees are currently co...
For many people, a change in career takes place more than three times in their life. Reasons for this vary. There are those who make the change because the reality is that people make mistakes in cho...
Looking for a new job is a task to do. But if you are changing your career after you have been in the same job for quite some time, then your job search becomes even more difficult. Always remember t...