Software Acceptance and Installation

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In this article, we will take a look at step by step process of accepting and installation of software. While systems design, planning and coding are important, this phase of SDLC will determine if the program created will actually work and is beneficial for the company or not. 

Taking cue from previous article, this time the user’s perspective of accepting the software will be highlighted. Although there are already expected reactions from different types of implementation, we will take a look at the steps that has lead to the expected reaction of implementation of software.

Developers Role: Final Review and Installation

When a software has been built and completed, it is time for developers to install the software in business.   However, business has to make sure everything has been set and there will be no expected problems when the software has been installed. We already know there are four types of integration of software in business environment.  Before they are actually implemented developers have to review the software once again.    It may seem to be an overkill of review, causing delay of the project and possible productivity.   But this time, since it will be installed for real, developers have to review the software in terms of its actual application on the business and its possible effects.

Once the review is done, developers will confirm the stability of the product to the project managers.    It is the project manager’s prerogative to decide when to install the software.    It is always a requirement for developers to personally or remotely install the software to different terminals to ensure proper procedures.   Although it is ok for developers to seek help in the installation, they should always be on top of the procedure. From phased installation to one-time installation, developers have to be aware of the fact that they take care of the software in case an error will crop up.  Naturally, it is their responsibility to take care of the installation.

Project Manager’s Role: Scheduling and Announcement

In this stage, the project manager takes the central role. He is in-charge of the developers and at the same time the project manager is also the representative of the developers for the upper management. Project managers announce when the software will roll out.   They coordinate with developers and convey the information to the management.    Project managers know when the project will be finished so instead of letting the developers worry about management problems, project managers will take care of this aspect by representing the whole development team to the upper management.   In the eyes of the developers, the project managers are also the representative of upper management.   Basically, the manger becomes the representative between the developers and managers.

Because of the project manager’s knowledge of the status of the project and the expectations of the management, they take the central role of balancing these two groups. Although there are project managers who tend to select only one side, it is ideal that the project manager decide what is beneficial for both groups while achieving the company objective without delay.

When project managers has finally conferred with the developers who has re-reviewed the software and the managers who are aware of the company expectations, project managers finally announce or inform those in-charge of the users of this change. Usually, this information is conveyed to the operations manager who in turn spread this information to all users affected as soon as possible.

Operations Manager’s Role: Operations and Training

Once the project manager shares the information to the operations manager or its equivalent position of the expected date of release or implementation of the software, Operations Manger has to think of two things: operations and training.

Operations manager of course will be more than happy to accommodate the new software as it is projected to help the operations department to be more productive than they are now. However, implementation of a brand new software especially on a large scale bases is very challenging. Since a new software will be implemented, it will surely confuse the users even thought the interface is simple. Operations manager has to think of a way of implementing the software while maintaining the strength of the operations.

Because of this, operations and project manager has to work together as to know what is the perfect scheme of implementing the brand new software. There are four options the operations and project managers have to consider.

Both managers will have to take a look at the following factors to determine how the software could be rolled out:

1. Impact of software to the general operations
2. Size of the software
3. Possible effects to other departments and clients
4. Training

The last factor is especially important to the operations manager since it will affect operations in relation to human resources. If the projected training period for the software is long, operations manager has to think of ways on how will the software be rolled out, at the same time without sacrificing the operations. Again the operations manager will have to work with the project manager to determine how the software will be rolled out.


When everything has been done according to plan, it’s now time for implementation. This could be one big event for the company or a very slow process that could take months. When a program is rather big for the company the roll-out of the new software will be very slow as they are released phase by phase or the implementation will be conducted one department at a time. This type of change will foster better adaptability since possible bugs will be fixed before everyone gets to use the software. There is also a possibility that change will be swift if the new software will just be small or everyone is already familiar with software navigation. The operations manager will have to ensure that operations will still continue even though there is a possible need for a downtime in the software. Training the users should also be taken into consideration when and how will the software be rolled out to each department.

But the implementation phase does not end there. When everyone have the software installed, it is time to create a report or feedback regarding the new update. This is where developers have to sit with the operations manager to receive comments about the new software or if there are any suggested features users expect from the new software which is not present. Although suggestions might come in a little bit early for the developers, these will be treated as updates that they should work on instead of creating a whole new system. Since the new system is already in place, it is just logical to develop tools based on the available software. The post-implementation report from users will also set the next stage in SDLC: Maintenance.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.