About Editorial Team

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Industry Usage of VoiceXML

There are a number of uses for VoiceXML in the voice command industry. The importance of VoiceXML comes from the fact that many people have been unhappy with the use of textual interfaces such as WAP...

Getting Started with VoiceXML

VoiceXML Introduction VoiceXML is an XML format that is used for the purpose of categorizing voice dialogues that will occur among humans and computers. It is connected to W3C, and it gives voice pro...

E-Resumes What You Need to Know

Everyone wants a better job even the people with great jobs frequently want even better jobs, so there are always tips that will help everyone out when looking for employment or simply for better emp...

Choosing The Best Format For Your Resume

Writing a resume can be stressful enough, but when you do a little bit of research you can get even more stressed when you realize that there are several different resume styles that may or may not a...

Self Assessment

The Net's Premier Resume Writing and Editing Service To many recent college graduates, the most difficult part of finding a job does not involve formatting resumes, networking, and answering interv...

Determining Your Skills

Liberal arts majors often have difficulty determining what skills they have and how they will translate to a good job. Don't despair. You did learn something at college. by ResumeEdge.com - The Net's...