About Editorial Team

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Reverse Data Denormalization

Database reverse engineering is an important process in improving the understanding of data semantics. Many aspects of the database evolution especially those that pertain to old and legacy databases...

Reverse Data Modeling

Reverse data modeling is basically a form of reverse IT code engineering and it is a process wherein an IT expert tries to extract information from an existing system in order to work backward and de...

Speeding Up Job Search Process

Finding a job right after college is a must. You are now prepared to tackle the challenges of the job because of your education which could help you success. But aside from self fulfillment, the foll...

Skills Improvement

Improving your skills to increase the chances of employment often requires additional training. But formal training will always require money as you have to pay the trainers and the educational insti...

Surviving Probation Period

Fresh graduates wanted to have them all – a good pay, a great job and ease of transactions. Most companies offer these career improvements to individuals who are able to show talent in what the...

Creating Greener Office

Going green in the office is not just about reducing paper usage. We have to thank technology for helping us going paperless. Our presentations, copies of documents and office memos do not have to be...

Redundant Data

Redundant Data as the name suggests is data duplication.  It means, same data of a single organization is stored at multiple data sites. Dealing with redundantly data means that a company has to...

Cross Training at Work

During recession, businesses have to be smart about their workforce. Companies are terminating some of their employees since they can’t pay for their salaries and benefits. Although their skill...

Unconventional Job-Hunt Tactics

These days when the world’s economy is in a bad fix, unconventional ideas may just be the thing that can help out resolve the world’s problems. Perhaps the election of President Obama as ...