About Editorial Team

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Switching to Another Job

Finding a job after college has its challenges. You need to provide extra effort just to be hired by a company you want to work for. Without any experience and additional education, you need to caref...

Online Local Jobs Search

Information regarding almost anything can be found online as many users worldwide are constantly uploading and sharing information to the world. A simple search can yield the information needed and s...

Temporary for Fresh Graduates

Temporary jobs are now a growing trend among fresh graduates and for those who are in career transition. This is a type of job that usually requires little to no experience at all and therefore, appe...

Why You Should Join Industry Associations

Industry associations are often considered as extra expenses without any real benefits. This is partly true since some industry associations are just there for simple representation without additiona...

Integrated Operational Data

Integrated Operational Data also known as operational data stores is a volatile collection of data that support an organization’s daily business activities. Integrated Operational Data are the ...

Using the Internet for Clues in Job Search

There are billions of information you can find in the internet. From your basic needs to outrageous items, you can find things that you need and fancy any time. The internet is also full of informati...

Working in Co-Op

Working in a co-op or co-operative is a great experience that any fresh graduate should consider. A co-operative is typically a business venture wherein the owners are a small group of people, usuall...

Career Opportunities in Startup Company

Even during recession, there are still individuals or a group of businessmen who are trying their hands in various industries. Companies established on a daily basis. Some of them are relatively smal...

How to Realise your Dream Career

College is all about realizing your dream. You select a specific degree in college because you are aiming to be someone someday. You don’t just go to college lazily, spending thousands of dolla...