Unsolicited Job Inquiry Letter

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Unexpected mail, in a form of snail mail or electronic, is considered a spam and will be more likely ignored. Most are read but they are disregarded after a few lines since the letter do not provide any interest and doesn’t offer any benefits to the company. However, there are times that unsolicited mail can work to your advantage as a job seeker.

When the company you want to work for do not have any available positions, you can consider sending them a job inquiry mail. This type of mail can be created in a manner that it will be readable for the possible employer and may consider you to a position even though they don’t have any vacancy.

Personalized Mail

The first thing you have to make sure when writing this letter is to find the right person to talk to. You can’t just send an email to the Human Resources department thinking that you’ll be able to gain their attention. As much as possible; look for the hiring manager or anyone that can decide who to hire so that you can send your mail or email directly to these persons. This may require you to call the company a couple of times before you can get your name so be patient until you get the information you want.

Be Direct

A job inquiry letter is not a cover letter. In a cover letter, you are introducing yourself while giving the reader an idea what your resume would look as well as its contents. The job inquiry letter on the other hand, directly offers their services to the possible employer. Of course, you don’t have to write them in a way that you’re simply asking. You just have to write your letter professionally but with directness regarding the services that you can offer.

Offer Solutions

Aside from being direct and professional, your letter should also have a “tone” or a theme. In the case of unsolicited job inquiry mails, your theme should be focused on helping the company for their persistent problem. The company does not need any additional employees right now since they could just mean additional spending for the company. However, they can consider your letter if you provide solutions to their problems. Think of the skills you can offer to the companies that can be used to address their persistent solutions. Focus on this skill as well as experience in order to gain their attention.

Move On when Rejected

Never expect that your first unsolicited letter will be accepted. Your first letter can still lead you to a job but most of the time, the applicant is ignored or their letter is kept until they need someone. If you don’t hear from the company within a week, it’s better to look for another company that might consider your services. It’s only your loss if you wait for their response since they might have pushed your letter away even before they open the letter. Immediately move on so that you’ll be able to get the job you want fast.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.